After attending "The Con" as many people refer to it, I would always see a long line of teenage girls, anxiously looking forward, to the front of a long line. The line would be there when I left, and when I came back a few hours later, the line would still be there.
I would always ask, "What are you guys in line for? Bacon cheeseburgers?" I can't think of anything I would want to wait in line for that long unless it had bacon or meat or cheese in it's title.
One of the drooling teenage girls would haughtily tell me, "Twilight," like I was supposed to automatically know what the fuck she was talking about. "It's a book about this girl, who falls in love with a vampire...and blah blah blah." I walk away before I even care. Duh. We've already seen this with Buffy and Angel.
Or have we?
I got not one, but two copies of the first Twilight book for Christmas last year. A month later, on our trip to the Philippines, who had two thumbs and read all four Twilight books in 72 hours? (Points both thumbs towards myself). THIS GIRL.
Yep, I read them all like they were in fact, bacon cheeseburgers. I devoured them, and enjoyed them and felt guilty in the end.
Here's what I think about the writing: At first was kind of distracting, because it wasn't very good. I felt like I was reading a 16 year old girl's diary and I had broken the little plastic lock. Turns out, I think that is Stephenie Meyers' point. She focuses on how Bella feels and acts which I don't like very much. I can't tap into the 16 year old girl's psyche much. Possibly because I was stoned a lot when I was 16 years old, and that part of my brain is basically gone. After I got over the whole 16 year old girl thing, I realized the problem is I don't like Bella. I can't tell what she is thinking. WHOA! That's why I keep reading and that is why Edward loves her! He can't read her mind. This whole series is kind of a mind fuck. Meyer's portrays this awesome sexual tension between Edward and Bella and I think throughout the first book they never have a satisfying kiss. And you end up really wanting them to kiss. So you read and you read hoping they'll kiss or have sex or even dry hump for crying out loud.
Seriously though, I think the plot in the series development is fantastic and I really cared about what has happening next. I thought that Meyer's character development was poor, but then I realized it wasn't. If her characters weren't well rounded why did I want to know what happened next? Another mind game.
Needless to say, I was more than reasonably entertained.
So Twilight vs a Bacon Cheeseburger? I think I would pick the Twilight Series. That's saying a lot people, you know how much I love those damn sandwiches.
Some Notes on the Twilight Movie:
I was definitely glad I read the books and then watched the movie. The guy who plays Edward is spot on and Bella too. I don't like the little twinkly eyed twerp they cast as Jacob though. I thought he should be singing in a High School Musical or something. I feel like he is supposed to be kind of competition for Edward, so that you can justify the fact that Bella contemplates Jacob while Edward is away. But movie-Jacob would get the shit kicked out of him faster than you could say "vampire penis." Ahhh well, we'll see in New Moon.
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