Friday, May 22, 2009

Four Seasons In Rome By Anthony Doerr

So, I have decided I am going to write a book report for all the books that I read from now on. Mostly for me. You can read my usual quick wit and snarky attitude and I get to sort out my brain. We all win. Anyway, I am halfway through this travel narrative and I chose it because it's about traveling abroad with twin babies and it's set in Rome, and because I was helping plan my sister's move, I got Roma in the braina. This is not as bad as Tijuana in the brain where you wake up in a bathtub of luke warm water and your organs are missing. Anyway, he writes choppy and I love that because it's like one thought to another from his head and it gives me time to feel in between. Anyway, this book is also making me hideouly homesick and sad. I don't know why. Is it because my sister left? Is it because the author is extremely homesick too? I don't know. I will add more when I am finished. Thanks have a great weekend.